Our CISO Michael will be taking a part in CIGRE SC C5 panel discussion:.

25 Aug 2020, 08:21
Our CISO Michael will be taking a part in CIGRE SC C5 panel discussion: Established in 1921 in Paris, France, CIGRE is a global community committed to the collaborative development and sharing of power system expertise. The community features thousands of professionals from over 90 countries and 1250 member organisations. CIGRE has created a working group (C5.30) to investigate the use of blockchain in electricity power markets. This group started work in May 2019. The working group’s first phase, Exploration, was an assessment of the potential value and uses of block chain technologies in energy markets and power systems. The second phase, Assessment, is a review of a range of trials and examples of early adoption of projects that use block chain. Forty operational projects have been selected and assessed against a standard assessment framework. During this panel discussion, invited speakers will describe four operational blockchain projects which they have implemented.